Blog 1

Hello Kiddies,

Welcome to the first ever FleshLust blog.

Here at the blog page you’ll get a chance to take a look behind the scenes at what goes into making the spooky songs you know and (hopefully) love, new projects coming down the pipeline, and maybe a little bit about who I am and my purpose here. Today’s topics are about the first two songs I released: Skin Deep and Love You To Death. This is my first attempt at writing a blog and I don’t normally read them, so I’m sure this will be a learning experience for both of us.

Skin Deep: 

This song was actually the 2nd song that I finished for this project, and is what I believe to be the better of the two songs. More catchy at least, ikd. Either way this was a huge challenge for me to complete both physically and mentally. Physically because it is a ton of work to do all this shit on your own, and mentally because this music is very near and dear to the core of who I am and showing that with the world will probably always be a struggle. Anyway, there’s some cool riffs and stuff, and the lyrics tell a story that’s quite erotic in my humble opinion.

Love You To Death:

This song is a labor of love for sure. The main verse riff was built off of a jam I used to play and thought it would be a cool intro. After doubling up the speed and adding a climb up, I found a foundation for the song. Might revisit the slower version when live performances become possible. Having that in the back of my mind definitely made it a challenge when writing though, as having options seems to hinder my progress. In summary, I was glad when I finished it because it meant I could move on to the next song. 

New Song:

The next song I’m working on is literally called “new song”. No lyrics, and basic template drums. I’m very excited for you to hear it though. There’s a bit more space on this one, but most of the riffs are built around double thumb triplets. Guitars and bass are written, but still require some tweeks before they are finalized. 


If you have been following me from the start (nobody has) then you would know that there was an 8 month gap between these songs releasing. That is unacceptable in my eyes, and I assure you that I’m addressing it. Previously the game plan was to write 2 songs, pick up bass or guitar, and practice religiously until I could play both songs all the way through, then change strings and record all tracks needed. While I would love to record the songs more “honestly” and do takes from the start to end of the song, this process is just too time consuming. The solution for me is to change strings every few weeks so that as I’m writing/recording new material, the riffs can be final as soon as I can play them correctly. When FleshLust grows to become my full time job, I will definitely go back to the long takes, but for now I have to do what is necessary to get these songs done quicker! Thanks for reading though, and I hope you take some time to stick around to see what the future holds.

Until next time,
